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About us

Information bureau with a mission to promote rail freight transport among decision-makers in modal choice.


Rail Cargo initiates various activities and products, such as:

  • Rail Café: 4 times a year we organize a Rail Café on location at one of our participants.
  • Rail Congress: once a year we organize the Rail Congress.
  • Rail Cargo Awards: once a year we organize the Rail Cargo Awards.
  • Round table discussions
  • Annual Magazine: in our FORWARD magazine, we share interesting columns, facts & figures, and best practices.
  • Showcases: Together with our participants, we create interesting best practices in video form to highlight success stories.
  • Company visits
  • Guest lectures
Why become a member?

Shippers & forwarders

For many companies, Rail Cargo is the starting point in the search for possibilities in rail freight transport. New companies can benefit from the following services:

  • Introduction to the rail freight sector;
  • Customized advice and specific presentations;
  • Mediation between supply and demand of rail freight transport (free).

Are you a shipper, forwarder, logistics service provider, or otherwise interested in the possibilities of rail freight transport? Feel free to ask your question by filling out the contact form.

Why become a member?

What does Rail Cargo do for its members?

Rail Cargo works to promote rail freight transport by communicating the sector’s successes. With an active network of 100+ participants from the rail sector in the Netherlands, we focus on connecting companies and creating commercial opportunities. Our active network includes seaports, rail freight carriers, terminal operators, logistics service providers, ProRail, and various suppliers.

More information


Uitgelicht evenement

Uitreiking Rail Cargo Awards en Spoorcafé op 19 september

Kom naar de Rail Cargo Awards op 19 september in Rotterdam

Je kunt weer een een gevarieerd programma verwachten met aansluitend een gezellige netwerkborrel.


Aankomende evenementen

Rail Cargo lunch bij Alstom (tijdens Wereldhavendagen 2024)

6 september

Spoorcafé & Rail Cargo Awards

19 september

Open Havendag Moerdijk

5 oktober

Wereldhavendagen Rotterdam 2024

6 - 9 september