Door-to-door via
rail transport from and
to Italy!
Rail Cargo Information Netherlands
Freight transport by rail to Italy
Italy is the second most important transport partner after Germany, accounting for over 15 percent of the total. When it comes to rail transport to the Netherlands (inbound), 27 percent of the cargo originates from Italy. Italy is the only country in Europe where more goods are transported by rail from the Netherlands than by road or inland waterway. The relationship with Italy focuses mainly on intermodal transport to and from the highly industrialized north of the country. The distance to Italy and the challenging passage through the Alpine countries for road transport make rail transport on this route very attractive. The tolls for road transport in Switzerland and Austria also play a role in this regard. Furthermore, there is a good balance in return freight.
Rail destinations Italy
Almost all direct intermodal connections to Italy have a destination in the northern part of the country, near Milan or Verona. From there, indirect connections are offered to more southern destinations, such as: Pomezia and Frosinone (both near Rome), Nola and Marcianise (both near Naples), and Bari. The main hubs are Busto Arsizio, Melzo (both near Milan), and Verona Quadrante.
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Best Practices
Intermodal is
interesting for
great volumes
Transporting volumes via a combination of modalities with the track as a pivot: there is still a lot to be gained. We speak to shippers who have already made the switch. Why do they choose intermodal and what are the challenges? This time speaking, Wilco the Black of Outokumpu.