April 26 2018 | #BESTPRACTICE
The train has been proven to be a very safe modality
Access World is a globally operating logistics service provider specializing in all kinds of commodities. This distinguishes between metals, such as copper, aluminum, nickel and cobalt, and the so-called soft commodities, such as cotton, tobacco, coffee and cocoa.
Door-to-door logistics
We used to be best known as Pacorini, an Italian family business. In 2010 Glencore International AG bought the metal division and became the name Pacorini Metals. The term Metals in particular does not always cover the cargo of our activities nowadays and from 2016 we have been called Access World. Access World has increasingly focused on through-to – through logistics, so it is responsible for all logistics activities and, where desired, also a number of additional activities such as: cutting, cleaning, etc. We call that full range service.
Meet the requirements
The Dutch branches of Access World, in Rotterdam and in Vlissingen, specialize in metals. In Rotterdam, we have 4 locations and in total we handle more than 1 million tons here. Where LME licenses and working with service providers used to be a USP, this is no longer the case today and as a result we invest more in terminals and sheds. LME stands for London Metal Exchange, the largest exchange in the world where non-ferrous metals are traded. The storage and distribution of the non-ferros traded through the LME are subject to strict regulations and Access World meets all those requirements. The warehouses and terminals in Rotterdam are self-managed, the carriers are contractors with whom we have as much a long-term commitment as possible to guarantee quality and reliability.

COP21 Climate Convention
Our customers are increasingly urging us to comply with the December 2015 Paris Environmental Convention, COP 21. In the past, as a logistics service provider, we were able to largely determine the mode of transport ourselves, but in the context of “ Paris ” we try together with our customers to use the barge and the train as much as possible to reduce CO2 emissions.
Track very safe modality
From Rotterdam we have two large markets, Germany and Italy, for which we use the train. We transport a lot of aluminum to Germany. We do this with the spread wagon load transport; about 100,000 tons per year go by train. There are approximately 30 trailers per week that are transported with the intermodal shuttles. In addition to the advantage of more weight per unit, as Access World we also consider safety essential and it has been proven that the train is a very safe modality.
Adapt to modern logistics requirements
Sometimes the train is a challenge. Our customers are also increasingly following the logistics trends, namely deliveries of smaller batches in higher frequencies and the track has not yet fully responded to this. We would also like to do more by train to France, but that is a difficult matter if you do not engage the right service provider. In summary, we as Access World firmly believe in a very important role for rail, but on some points the track still has to adapt in order to meet the wishes of modern logistics.

Access World
Access World operates a global network of port and warehouse facilities, positioned in the strategic locations that the goods we process need